Thursday 16 June 2011


I have a ritual I do before I start to write.  I place my hands gently over the keyboard and smooth them over the keys in a "Daniel son, wax on/wax off" style.  I don't know why but I do.  I think I have a lot of little weird habits or OCD's like that. Like the one that means if I am busy cooking, cleaning or unloading the dishwasher etc. and I find myself needing a wee, I don't go until I have finished.  Even If I am busting!  Weird.  Or the one where I don't leave the house without earrings, and if I do I feel positively naked. Or the one that keeps allowing me to buy the same kind of shape dresses, or always bottoms and never tops and then I have nothing to go with them, so I shop looking for tops and end up with more bottoms!  AAArrgggh. Annoying.  I am sure I am not the only one with weird hang ups or routines, am I?

My purchases over the last few months, whilst my computer has been down and I have been unable to report the loveliness of my acquisitions, have involved coloured mascara (turquoise from Barry M)
I have been experimenting with that one a lot....the kids like it, always saying "Why do you have blue eyelashes, can't they be pink?"  I do have pink mascara,  but I prefer the blue with my brown eyes.  In this second picture I look like I have parrot feathers on my eyelashes!  I'm wearing Barry M lime green dazzle dust with the blue mascara.  Tropical, just like me!

Nail varnish, loving the fun I have been having with this!

Nail varnish is fun! I love being able to wear my favourite colours all at once and just having fun with it and not being too serious with it all.  I tried to paint a heart on my right hand but I ended up with a blob because my left-handed art skills are not that good! 

A pair of feather earrings, of which I have many, but my two favourite pairs of feather earrings and several other pairs got ruined.  My nail varnish leaked in my wash bag on second trip back from Portugal. :-(  So I bought these turquoise and gold ones.
Speaking of Portugal, I had a wonderful second trip, which only cemented how much I love Lisbon.  I dinned, shopped, sunbathed and met some great people.  Including a wonderful woman named Sofia Novais de Paula, who I now count as a great friend.  She has a face book group called Diario de um Baton, which translates as Lipstick Diaries.  Her page is in Portuguese, but she does the same thing as me and has been doing it for much longer then I have and is very successful.  We got on like a house on fire, there was no air left in the restaurant by the time we finished talking!  We realised how much we had in common, even down to the same clothes we bought from H&M, and we both have huge smiles!

Say Cheese!
(My top is from H&M, my jacket is from Topshop that I got about 10 years ago that I can fit into again!)
Lisbon was great. I visited a beautiful Moorish Castle in a place called Sintra just up the coast from Lisbon. 
(I am wearing a cute halter neck sun dress that I got from Joy and leggings from River Island.)

I digress, my other recent purchases have been from River Island and H&M. A Pair of distressed denim shorts from RI, love love love these.  Been wearing them so much they stay in the shape of my bum, even when I'm not wearing them! This top is also new from H&M, I got it because of the pink flowers as I just dyed my hair pink too.
There was an orange mini skirt, a black lacy vest, a crop long sleeve top that says "4 ever is a long time", a t-shirt with a print of a leopard on, a dress covered in a lip kiss print (super cute, and super short! Can only wear this with leggings unless I'm planning on flashing everybody).  

I think I am all caught up on my new purchases, but if I'm not I'll drop you a line!  Anyway enough for now.  Sometimes I don't know when to stop talking, writing and generally flapping my gums!  Another one of my OCD's, but I wouldn't have it any other way.  I hope you all enjoyed checking out my new stuff. See you soon. 

Happy shopping!

Samara x

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