Friday 11 February 2011

The story starts like this.....

I have to tell you the story about me and the relationship I have with clothes.  I don't quiet remember when it started, but I do have memories of getting dressed as a little girl, and how I used to lay out the clothes I was planning on wearing, so my sister would come in and see them and then I would wait until she got dressed and then put something different on, she was always really upset by this, but I just didn't want to look the same.  We looked like twins for a while as she grew fast and caught up with me, then over took me.

Anyway I guess i was about 16 when I started with experimenting with my outfits, away from my boarding school, at home on the weekends.  I tried out stuff that I knew at school I would get the mickey taken out of me if I had worn it there.  There is a picture of me floating about somewhere of me in a pair of black army boots, over the the knee navy socks, a pleated navy short skirt. I can't quite remember what I was wearing on the top half but I'm sure the outfit was not as cool as I thought at the time!

So been thinking about this picture and started trawling through old photo's and guess what? I found it! Now I'm no good with technical things and I can't scan the picture.  So I'm employing one of my Mum's favourite tricks, take a picture of a picture.
Actually not as cringe worthy as I thought.  But as you can see I liked to do things a little differently.  This I was often told, and not always in the nicest way.  But I'm rubber and you're glue,  and words bounce off me and stick to you.  I remember being called weird about dressing differently, but to be honest it only spurred me on more, to become the dresser I am today!

Now, I did do a little shopping on Friday after the arrival of my new trainers, to find something great to go with them! The excitement of them only spurred me on to spend money that I really shouldn't have! Thing is though, I did!  Eeeeekkkk! Shopaholic entered Joy in Brixton on a Friday afternoon, and 1 hour later left with a Jumper, a pair of black leggings, two dresses and a pair of head phones! Plus I got  a free dress for spending over £75.  Which I definitely did!  No shopping for me for at least three weeks, or until, well lets face it, it will probably be Friday afternoon.
New Headphones! How cute.

Jumper! Was half price and have been longing for it for months, and it went into the sale, £32.50.  The quality is really good.

This dress made me feel really slinky and I think the lines of the dress are flattering. It also has a nice zip detail on the back, not all the way down though! I think that when I do wear it out I wear it with a low heel, or TRAINERS! Anyway I love it, although it's definitely for a skinny day, if you get my meaning!

This is another skinny day dress but I love that it is off the shoulders, V. sexy feeling, but also covers everything! Not a usual buy for me because if I buy a dress I quite like to show my legs but, i really liked the print and the colours, and it looks good with my trainers!
This is the free dress I got! Quite cute. It has a cat and dog black and white print on it and has pockets!  I love pockets in dresses, really practical.  The sleeves were a bit tight around my arms, but it was free so I can't complain. Actually just one arm.  No more arm wrestling for me if I plan on wearing this one out.

Anyway friends, if there is anything I can do to help you find that special something that you are looking for, I mean I'm trawling through the shops and Internet anyway, (which I love to do!) please send me a message and I could help you out! Whatever takes your fancy.

Happy shopping, it's the weekend!



  1. Love the post Samara, keep them coming. Love Sita

  2. Hahahaha@arm the long dresses on you very different...i need earphones too, how much were they?

  3. Ear phones were £12. Super cute!
