Wednesday 13 July 2011

Thirty four and counting!

So some time ago back the 70's a man and a woman conceived a child.  (Yes I mean me!)  Some time later I arrived into the world and have been blessing the world with my presence ever since!  Every birthday I have had, my Mum has told me that she thinks mothers should get a present on their child's birthday because, well they went through pregnancy and labour and women sacrificed their bodies to bring a child into the world!  Being a mother myself and having had two caesarian sections,  I now totally agree.  I am owed 11 presents! I dread to think what my Mum  is owed or my friend's Mum who has had five children!

So I had my birthday a couple of weeks ago, and I had the most wonderful weekend.  (My birthday was on a Friday so I felt obliged to celebrate into the weekend, all weekend!) Friday day I was lucky enough to have both my children in school all day.  So as soon as they were both deposited at the school gates, I charged to the tube station, birthday vouchers in hand with my Mother in tow. Oxford circus was waiting for me.  The streets were empty (no stalling behind tourist with only 4 hours shopping time!)  I met my sister too, and between the three of us we must have covered every shop on Oxford street and Carnaby street.  It was such a luxury to be able to shop with my family, to get their opinions and to spend the day with them as they are not usually not in the country for my birthday. I knew that the summer sales had started and had looked at a few things I wanted on line already.  I was a woman on a sale mission!

So my birthday purchases are lovely. I didn't get as much as I had planned but, I still have vouchers left for more shopping, Hurrah!  We went to Zara and I tried this skirt on, I loved the colour but decided the fabric was too bulky and added more width to my short torso and more to my already round bottom!

You can tell by my face that I wasn't to keen on this one!
I also bought a pair espadrille style shoe from Office, in the sale for £15. The brand is Rocket Dog.  I had seen these on line beforehand and had been coveting them.
The shopping trip rolled quickly into the afternoon and I had to get back to school for the kids, but not before buying a dress for that evening and my sister bought me the most amazing bag from a concession in TOPSHOP!  The leather is so beautifully soft and tactile. I can't help stroking it and inviting others to to the same!

 Happy Samara!

Friday evening I had dinner with family and friends in a members club in Soho called the Union.  The wine flowed, the food was delicious and the company even better. I wore the dress that I had bought that day in Warehouse.  It was in the sale (£25), and it was perfectly bright and right for me!

Having started this lovely evening in very nice restaurant sipping Prosecco, it ended in the early hours of the morning (3am!) after several bottles of Rose wine, 3 Sambuccas, and a few vodka some-things, two different clubs, a walk home in the rain and not looking as hot as I did when I left the house that evening.   I had the best night, I laughed until my sides hurt and forgot myself somewhere between dinner and falling in to the spare bed at my friends house much later that night.  Birthdays should always be celebrated like this!  I had a great one.

Still got to tell you all about the other lovely things I bought and received, but another day.  Slightly distracted by this dating agency I just joined, which I will tell you all about soon.

Happy shopping!


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