Tuesday 22 February 2011

Stepping out of my comfort zone.

I'm sure one of you out there can understand the energy and effort it takes to do something that you wouldn't normally do on a daily bases especially if you have been at home for 7 years raising children. Stepping out of your comfort zone and putting yourself out there in a capacity that means that people see you. Just you. Not mother or housewife or cleaner or chef or driver or electrician or nurse or children's entertainer or any of the hats that can be put upon us as mothers that pigeon hole you or really describe or explain who you are other than just being you. I know that the same thing can be applied even if your are not a mother...being stuck in a job that you took because it was offered, but never fulfilled your heart and soul, but you get pigeon holed as that, what ever that may be.

So this is what I did today, took a big step. Held my breath and stepped out into the unknown. I had an email from Topshop, you know the kind of one," come and buy all our lovely stuff etc..." but this one had info about London fashion week starting Friday 18th, and they are offering workshops ranging from drawing design work shops, previews and make up workshops, including a workshop about blogging from the front row of the run way shows! (Susie Lau from style bubble and Topshop's Inside-out) When I first read it I thought, mmm, that's interesting. Then I read it again and thought it would actually be good to go. But then I decided, no, as I had my son at the time of the workshop. Then after some encouragement, yes. I organised some childcare, and made plans to be there! Now from the moment I had made the decision to go, I was nervous. I had butterflies in my tummy. By the time I go to Oxford Circus I was actually having palpations! I could feel my heart out of my chest, sweaty palms and back and arm pits! The whole works! Attractive I know. I must have looked a right state. I just kept thinking of all the young design/fashionista that would be there. That I would be the old lady! Not on trend or any of the expectations that I alone had put on myself!

The work shop started at 11am. I arrived at 10.45, 15 minutes to get a good seat and my paper and pen out! I walked into the store saw the board advertising the blog workshop then went to a cashier to ask where it was within the store I needed to go, only to find out that I was a DAY EARLY!!!!!!!!! Arrgghh.

Gutted. Disappointed because I had a ticket booked for that afternoon for a train to Dorset for the WEEKEND!!!!!!! And I never go anywhere for the weekend, because of my commitment to the kids! I even asked my mum if she would go to the blog work shop for me and use the voice recorder on her phone, to no avail!

So I didn't get to go, but I stepped out of that place that keeps me comfortably unhappy, you know what I mean. I feel proud of myself for making the effort and breaking out of the zone. Really.
So I found myself in Oxford circus with over two hours before my train.......so I shopped! River Island, a pair of earrings and a ring. Zara, a pair of electric blue trousers with cuffed ankles and braces! H&M three t-shirts that are slightly cropped, (eeeekkkk tummy exposure may be a possibility!) one black, one coral, one yellow. Planned to wear them with a vest underneath to prevent that from happening, as you can see peeping out from under the Tee in  the picture!

After that I ran, with my purchases safely stowed away in my suitcase, to the nearest tube station to save my bank card from any more heart failure. I got to Waterloo train station an hour early. I didn't trust myself to not spend any more money. But I am extremely happy with my purchases, in fact so much so that I gave one of the T-shirts to the friend I went to visit. I'll replace it though, because it was really nice, a good colour and fun!

Anyway on and upwards!  If I have learnt anything this week it's to take risks and be brave.  Are you brave? I dare you to be.....

Happy shopping!


1 comment:

  1. Bought same tshrts ! Coral + navy a few. Wks bk with same reservations abt exposure -but thought sod it I'm embracing it while I can (won't be able to in 10 yrs) also with a vest underneath.
    Well done on ur trying + a weekend away xxxx
